
Technical information

Sketch the usage and classification of surface plates

2014-11-05 By jianxin company

Sketch the usage and classification of surface plates

Surface plates are the datum instruments which are used for inspection and lineation of workpieces. This definition indicates the properties and uses of surface plates. ---Read more>>

Terms and phrases of surface plates

2014-10-21 By jianxin company

Terms and phrases of surface plates

Surface plate: it is the plane datum instrument with steady performance and reliable precision which is used to inspect and line. ---Read more>>

Installation and debugging of lineation surface plates

2014-10-20 By jianxin company

Installation and debugging of lineation surface plates

when using, installation and debugging is necessary. It is pointless to work on the un-debugging surface plates. If installation and debugging is carried out by unqualified specialists, it is possible that the surface plate is damaged, even worse, deformed and unusable. ---Read more>>

The features of cast iron surface plate

2014-10-08 By jianxin company

The cast iron surface plates can regain the precision grade though re-scraped after little wear and tear, The cast iron surface plates can check the planeness by coloring method; it is accurate, intuitive and convenient. It is very easy and smoothly to push the gauge stand or workpieces on their surface, we can get the accurate result and it is very convenient for us to test. ---Read more>>

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